Water & Waste Water Usage Regulations
The water supply at Lake Iroquois is treated in that the iron and manganese are removed, the water is softened, chlorine is added for disinfection, and flouride is added according to Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations.
The amount of water that we can effectively treat is limited to 70 gallons per minute due to the size and number of filters. Since we have an unmetered water system, usage can exceed the pumpage, depleting the water reserve held in the tower. If no action is taken, there would be no water for household use or fire protection. For this reason, the Board of Directors has adopted a water usage rule. In summary, the rule is as follows:
Normal Rainfall (applies year 'round )
Water customers may water, hand held and with sprinklers, on an ODD and EVEN day basis, i.e. odd numbered lots on odd numbered days of the month, - even numbered lots on even numbered days of the month. If you have a residence on more then one lot, you must pick odd or even for every other day usage.
Dry Conditions (RESTRICTED WATER USAGE -- Blue Signs will be placed at each Entrance)
1. Odd - Even rule applies
2. ATTENDED OPEN END hose watering, 30 minute duration per day, limited to shrubs, plants, gardens, newly planted trees.
3. No lawn sprinklering. Full - time residents limited to Monday thru Friday, " Week- enders" to Saturday and Sunday usage. After Labor Day - new residence will be allowed to sprinkle new lawn starts - odd and even days.